Sunday, January 6, 2013

i'm not crazy, i'm just a little impaired

I received a text message today from a close friend of mine asking, "are you home?". Unfortunately I was leaving soon to go to work, but she said she would try and stop by before. She was not able to make it in time, but they dropped off an incredibly elegant wedding invitation. March 30, 2013 two of my good friends are getting married.

Their wedding is exciting to me a few reasons. First, these are two of my good friends. I met them at the green age of sixteen working in the kitchen weekend after weekend. Together as a couple, and as individuals, they have contributed to the person I am today. Without his influence, I would not have taken such an interest in the sciences at school. I remember getting quizzed on random facts and playing different mind games. His stories and his intelligence amazed me. He taught me the importance of academics and a sharp wit, a lot about respect and work ethic and most importantly to have a backbone. I then met her and got to know her: she is easily one of the more fascinating people I know. For all the struggles she has had to overcome, she has so much to show for her life. She is strong willed, incredibly intelligent and so loving of everyone. She has taught me and allowed me to embrace my inner dork and be super silly. It's crazy to think I have know them for so long.

Secondly, this will be the first non-family, and thus non-Italian wedding I will be attending; that alone is exciting as I will get to experience different cultures, traditions and food! Thirdly, I have seen their relationship as a couple grow and flourish. I remember working in that kitchen when they started dating, the excitement I experienced from both sides as they both would confide in me their stories. Their sides of the stories when they fought and their intentions with one another. I believe it was my 18th birthday, after knowing them for a year or so, I was not planning on celebrating my birthday (not out of character) but they called me up on the weekend of my birthday not taking 'no' for an answer and took me out for sushi. It was a really simple but lovely evening. The memories I have with them always bring a smile to my face.

Another exciting thing about this wedding is that I am part of the bridal party and as such I will be going to Las Vegas for the stagette! Not that Las Vegas has been a high priority on my 'Must Travel To' list, but I figure it's an experience that if I say 'no' to I will regret it. Unfortunately, I told my parents already and they have poo-poo'ed all over it already, "I thought you said you were broke?" and "Isn't that expensive?". Here I thought my dad had finally let go of all that as I bust my ass for everything. But no, the fact that my brother and I have a house to renovate apparently comes first. The fact that I'm going on a 'friend' vacation trumps that and to him shows that I am lazy and not willing to make sacrifices for my long term success. I hate to break it to you dad, if I were not to go on this trip I would not be happy. This unhappiness would add to my overall 'moodiness' ,as you put it, at work and at home, add to my bitterness and my resentment towards my family; in certain aspects anyways, for the most part I love them. This trip may put me back a couple hundred dollars, but money is money. I always have the means of working an extra few shifts and cutting back on my expenses.

Over all, this year is packed full of weddings; four to be exact. I wish I could RSVP with, "Yes, Tania and a guest will be coming." Not so much that I want to have somebody, more for the simple fact that I can respond with 'a guest'. And well maybe have a dance partner and photo buddy would be kind of nice too. I joked to S last night, "Hey B! Want to go on a first date that will be at wedding? No pressure!". B, is the cute bank teller. Through some general conversation with him (that I initiated going up to him after I was done with my transactions and despite not having his as my teller -- small point of pride for me) I am convinced he does not have a girlfriend. However, I still feel if he was even remotely interested he would hint at it or ask me out. If I smelt a hint of interest, I would totally ask the kid out. As it stands, I feel I am just someone he can strike up a conversation with and nothing more. We shall see; we're changing banks soon so besides some minor personal banking I do at that bank I will not be frequenting there as much. So asking him out doesn't seem to be a big deal, I think I am less afraid of the rejection more afraid of making someone do what they do not want to do. The latter fear coming from my own issues of not being able to say no. But I have worked on that. I digress though...

The one wedding that is near and dear to my heart is coming up fast and I am super excited to be a part of it. I cannot wait to share and be a part of M and C's special day.

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