Sunday, December 9, 2012

procrastinate ALL the time.

- i am glad you are happy, i feel you could do better. great person to lose a friendship over, granted it was my fault. he's a slime bag though.
- respect that i have a life i am dedicated to and i will not drop what i am doing for you. i am not dating you, never have been, you are not that close of a friend and you want me to drop family/school/work for you? i hate that the only thing you seem to be interested in, about me, is whether or not i have had sex with someone. i believe it's because this way, if i haven't i'm more likely to sleep with you. wrong.
- since you, i have been on a 'men are tool bags and i don't want a relationship with them' streak. thanks asshole. i am mad at you for being a toolbox, but i guess i'm more mad at myself for not seeing it or doing something about it. but hey, good luck in another one of your meaningless relationship.
- you're cute, i'm cute. i'm single, you're (hopefully) single too. ask me out. i won't say no.
- you're a huge inspiration to me, but sometimes i get intimidated because i can't do some of the things you do, and i don't have the focus or determination to do so myself. i am glad we met though, you've been a real mentor to me these past few months. but i meant what i said yesterday, about not really being a part of the family. i am glad i didn't go last night. i am glad you did.
- you are like goodness in a package. i know i should not compare myself, but you're so fucking kind and genuine. if there are women like you in the world, how is a bitter ol' betty like me supposed to meet someone? i'm glad you're a part of the family right now.
- stop being so good to me. you're ruining me for men. and i mean that in the kindest and with the most love possible.
- LIFE IS GOOD. stop seeing all the bad in it, you are worth it and you deserve goodness and happiness. just wish you could accept that.

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