Tuesday, November 20, 2012

keep your head up.

Turns out, it is not about being alone or having people around. Turns out it is the sharing of energy, the actively working together on a project that I've needed. Yes, I like my time alone and I definitely need it. But I also thrive on being around people, interacting with them and sharing energy with them.

It makes sense because that is why I was so happy over the summer, I was constantly around people that were happy, positive and supportive. Once school started, I started becoming more shut off and tuning people out thinking I needed to become more focussed. While this is true, I still need to spend time with people and working actively with them to feel content.

These past few days I've been spending time with different people and I feel great. On Saturday I went over to a friend's place where they invited one of their own friends, we made pizza from scratch (turned out delicious by the way) and watched a movie that made no sense. On Sunday, I worked on a group project with some positive and hard working peers, then went to practice yoga and had a rocking class with a mentor of mine (though she doesn't know it) right next to me, then had a wonderful friend visit me. I was really happy she did too, getting to share a piece of my little bubble with her. And on Monday I spent more time working on that group project and went to yoga where we had another wonderful class and some birthday cake!

It's not about being in a relationship (though it'd be nice, lesbehonest), but about being able to open up and share genuine, lightheartedness with others. It's great.

I really cannot wait for next semester, I'm ready to get rid of these last few introductory courses off my list and get started with the heavy stuff. I'm ready to start teaching yoga, I'm ready to discover what I can achieve when I set my mind to it.

What was the best thing that happened to me today yesterday? Spending a wonderful evening with some truly special people.
What could I have done better today? Not eat a shit tonne of peanut butter.
What is the most important thing I must accomplish tomorrow? In order of when they will get done: go to yoga, go to the office and finish off the paper work, go to school and then finish the group project, go to class, go home and make some hummus.
What new thing can I try tomorrow? Not new, but I need to start doing it anyway: using the computer strictly for an actual purpose. Not aimlessly going on random sites or watching TV-- I started a new show...it's on its seventh (eighth?) season and I'm almost finished the first. I started it Saturday. In my defense, I miss half the shows and every 3rd one doesn't work. So there.
Who is the most important person (or people) in my life and what am I doing for them? Right now? My group members. And what am I doing for them? Well, procrastinating. Woops. But I will give in my portion of the project and we will do really well on it. 

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