Tuesday, November 13, 2012

imma be positive if it kills me.

I need to not be so prickly and negative. I will start working towards this by not swearing as much, not being such an angry driver (hahaha, but seriously, I'll work on this), actually being grateful for the things I do have and not resentful for the things I don't have. I will also try and reflect on these 5 questions on a more regular basis (these questions are answers for yesterday, as today has barely even started):

  • What was the best thing that happened to me today? I was able to do 2 back-to-back Bikram classes  and they were strong classes.
  • What could I have done better today? Accomplished more (study, make those bracelets, finish my knitting, cook the squash). 
  • What is the most important thing I must accomplish tomorrow? Grocery shopping -- I need to nourish with wholesome, nutritive foods so I can feel good again.
  • What new thing can I try tomorrow? Dressing up for work -- look good, feel good.
  • Who is the most important person (or people) in my life and what am I doing for them? Well, ME, and I'm taking care of my well-being (nurturing my mind, body and spirit). And right now, I'm on a mom kick. She is super important to me, obviously. I need to help her out more to show that I appreciate her and not just taking advantage. This could be by drying the dishes, putting them away, taking out garbage/recycling -- the little things she does to make the house function. Maybe I'll make dinner, but no really. Everyone would complain, "What is this nasty vegetarian stuff?" 

One question that has been bugging me (as of yesterday...) is: am I going to regret what I'm doing now? That is, am I working too damn much and not doing enough, not going out and having enough "experiences"? Am I missing out on life...? But that also begs the question, what do I want from life, what are my goals and values in life? 

(ps: I'm aware I said no more swearing, but this is gold.)

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