Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I feel as if I'm waiting for a cat to come around, warm up to me and realize that I'm not so bad. But it's not me I want them to realize isn't so bad, it's the yoga. I held off on suggesting yoga to him, but it seems as though he's coming around; slowly. I need to be calm and patient and not make any sudden moves because that would only scare him off. Though funny thing, ironic even, on one of our last dates he mentioned, "Oh I hate such and such person, they're a fair weathered friend". And I asked what that meant and he explained that it is someone who "only comes around when they need something". I commented, "Sounds like someone I know", clearly making a pass at him.

Safe to say he was not pleased. But low and behold, what I said is true: contacting me when he needs some support or just to rant or just to waste time on the bus. I don't have a problem with this, as long as I can keep a boundary there and as long as it serves a purpose this time. If I can help him find yoga, help him start his healing process, then I will be patient through all of this. I make it sound like I am some great messiah or something, but to be honest I believe that was my purpose in that whole debacle. (Live update: they have sent me another friend request and unfortunately I feel my self esteem shooting through the roof; this is not kosher.) I learned some lessons all throughout that period of time he was actively in my life, most of them afterwards though but at the end of the day, I really don't hate him and I want to help him in the way that I can; that is to say, through yoga. 

"the greatest prayer is patience." -- buddha

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