Thursday, October 18, 2012

i am an emotional lesbian.

That is the conclusion I have come to after realizing I cannot converse with men about how I'm feeling, what's bothering me, what I aspire to be or any of those things. This has been particularly brought to me attention after meeting someone online, we began to text and set up a date to meet. I, in typical me style, cancelled. Not that it was an indication that we don't get along, that he's a terrible person or any of that. No, it was because I don't care to date, or to get to know someone or to find someone. I just want to talk, to be heard and have someone listen to all the fascinating and hilarious things I have to say -- that's it. And I have found I feel most comfortable doing that with females: they listen better, respond better and can empathize. Leading me to my conclusion that I am an emotional lesbian. It makes sense when you start to think about it. It's not even that I make more of an effort with females, or less of one with men, I'm just inherently more comfortable talking to women about my emotions and feelings.

Now going on the train of thought of what I want in terms of a relationship. I don't need or want someone to be constantly there to bring me whatever I may ask for (he should do it without me having to ask, kidding!). No, I've been in that relationship where I became the center of their universe. I don't believe I want someone who is clingy, texts me non stop, talks about their feelings to me ad nauseum. I want someone strong, silent and stoic. Okay, that may be a touch of an exaggeration however, I don't need someone who is goopy and mushy with their feelings -- I do enough of that for 5 people. I also don't want to do that dance of getting to know someone, I want to meet someone and instantly know everything about them and not have to do a dance or play mind games. I don't want someone to tell me "they like me" after only texting me and seeing a side that is not necessarily forced, but not indicative of my true self. I've found men are either super emotive and clingy, or too standoffish and cold. Why can't they be more balanced like yours truly? (That's a joke). Suffice to say, I probably will not ever go meet this person. My friends offer me the emotional support I need so I do not need a partner at the moment, all I want from a guy at the moment is harmless flirting.

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