Friday, May 17, 2013

wheat belly.

I began to read Wheat Belly this week, and it is proving an interesting read. I approach the book with a very critical mindset, questioning everything that is stated, realizing that a lot of claims are not supported with references and applying everything to myself.

I am only a third of the way through, and I am already highly skeptical. I am Italian by heritage, and I was raised on pasta, most meals are accompanied with a piece of bread in hand; I feel it is essentially in my genes to not only eat pasta, but be able to digest it.

With this in mind I have decided to try a ten day Gluten-Free (GF) diet. I realize ten days is probably not long enough to see results, but I want to see if it makes a difference in: weight, clarity of mind, attention, overall mood, skin complexion, in short: if eating a GF diet has an impact in my overall life.

I am already vegetarian (though I have had some fish this week due to cravings). I am a student, so my meals have to be portable and easy to eat. I practice Bikram's yoga, so my diet is heavily based around my yoga practice: can't eat too soon before a class, and it can't be heavy meals. The only change I will make to my diet is simply cutting out gluten.

On day one, I am doing great. Light breakfast, fruits for snacks, a hefty portion of salmon and vegetables as lunch/dinner. And I will snack on popcorn tonight.

I will make no changes to my exercise routine, I will not cut out coffee or sugar. And I most certainly will not introduce GF alternatives into my diet, as this does not agree with my philosophy that food should be as unprocessed and packaged as possible.

I weigh in at 182 as of 1:45PM on May 17, 2013. Clothes on and all.

Let the journey begin.